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About our Mental Health & Wellbeing Courses

About the Let It Out  Group Therapy & Wellbeing Courses:

Welcome to Let It Out Wellbeing CIC's Courses Overview Page, where you're invited to embark on a transformative journey towards personal growth, healing, and self-discovery. Our small, friendly, non-profit organisation is dedicated to creating a safe and supportive space for individuals to explore personal issues and develop essential skills for enhanced mental wellbeing.

Our courses and workshops aim to help people become the best versions of themselves, whilst addressing issues such as low confidence/self-esteem, depression, anxiety and social isolation to name but a few...

The Courses:

The Let It Out Group Therapy Courses provide a safe haven for exploring personal issues through:

  • Talking therapy
  • Freedom of Expression
  • Coping Mechanisms
  • Therapeutic Art and Mindfulness Activities.

We run a series of standalone one day workshops known as the 'Discover Me' series, plus two longer length, more in-depth courses - Elevate (Level One) and Thrive (level 2: Thrive is only available to those who have completed level One, Elevate, this is because of the more in-depth nature of the content) - find out more about these below:

The 'Discover Me' Workshops (1 Day Each)

These workshops run as a series, with each workshop focusing on a different topic. They touch on some of the  same content as our weekly courses but with less depth and more focus on activities than talking therapy. They are designed to feel energising and empowering, leaving you feeling positive and hopeful!

The workshops offer a perfect intro into a course, especially for those who are nervous about taking that first step.

Level One, Elevate: Rise to Mental Wellness (4 Weeks)

Elevate runs for 4-weeks (one 2 hour session per week over 4 weeks) and offers a perfect, gentle introduction into group therapy. Elevate has a strong focus on therapeutic activities and exploration exercises, whilst putting everyone at ease. It is a beautiful experience that provides a wonderful bonding experience among participants.

During the structured weekly sessions, you'll be able to express yourself freely, without judgement, whilst making new friends and learning life-long skills for improved mental wellbeing.

Level Two, Thrive: Harmony in Healing (8 Weeks)*

Thrive runs for 8-weeks (one 2 hour session per week over 8 weeks) and offers a deeper look into our childhood experiences, past trauma and further development of the skills learnt in Level One.

As with Elevate, you'll be able to express yourself freely, without judgement, whilst deepening new connections  and those learnt skills for improved mental wellbeing.

*Due to the more in-depth nature of Thrive, it is only available following completion of Elevate.

The Power of Group Therapy:

At Let It Out, we wholeheartedly believe in the powerful benefits of group therapy. It's a space where individuals find support, understanding, and healing through shared experiences. Our group therapy courses offer a nurturing environment for you to engage in talking therapy, freedom of expression, coping mechanisms, and therapeutic art and mindfulness activities.

Guided by a Qualified Counsellor:

Our group therapy courses are led by a qualified counsellor with over 25 years of experience in mental health and therapeutic support. With a deep understanding of individual needs and a compassionate approach, our counsellor and mental health practitioners, provide expert guidance, support, and encouragement throughout the courses, fostering an environment of trust, respect, and healing.

What to Expect:

By participating in our group therapy courses, you'll have the opportunity to express yourself freely, without judgement, while making meaningful connections with others and learning essential skills for improved mental wellbeing. Our structured weekly sessions offer a safe space to explore personal issues, develop coping mechanisms, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing.

Goals and Outcomes:

The group therapy courses at Let It Out aim to provide you with a transformative experience, fostering personal development, improved self-esteem, and healing from past trauma. By engaging in group therapy, you can develop coping mechanisms for triggers, negative thought spirals, and physical symptoms, creating a path towards self-love, compassion, and positive thinking.

Join us for our group therapy courses and workshops and experience the powerful benefits of shared support, guided by a qualified counsellor with over 25 years of experience, as you embark on a journey of personal growth, healing, and self-discovery. Let It Out Wellbeing CIC is here to provide a nurturing and empowering environment for every individual seeking to become the best version of themselves.

Interested? Let's talk!

You're only an email away from starting your journey with us, we'd love to hear from you.